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Welcome to "The Collector's Den"I'm here to tell you about some of the rare and exciting titles CDJapan has to offer to lovers of Japanese music and video that you may not know about. Certainly, anime has come a long way in America in the past ten years. Every DVD store has an anime section and many cable and broadcast TV channels carry programs that, only a short time ago, were almost completely unavailable As a long time entertainment writer for Starlog, Film Score Monthly, and Soundtrack! Magazines, as well as writer and producer for GNP Crescendo, Silva Screen, and Sony Music, I've been collecting movies and soundtracks for over 35 years. Until recently, nothing was more challenging than finding my favorite film scores from a Japanese movie, or even seeing the original film version, not some faded, badly butchered adaptation for television. Over the last five or six years, CDJapan became an oasis, a place to get the most current CDs and DVDs at reasonable prices, not inflated so-called "Collector's Prices." I was honored when my friends at the company asked me to write about some of the best they have to offer, so here's a site specially developed for you. If you have a question, you can write me at: about anything on CDJapan's site and I'll be happy to answer it here. (Sorry, personal replies are not possible.) We hope to provide more CD track title translations, too but in the meantime, you can check out Larry Tuczynski's for many fantasy and related albums. |